Limited-Constructed is a fan-created format for Magic: the Gathering that combines the elements of both sealed and constructed play to create an entirely new gameplay experience.
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In order to play Limited-Constructed, you must first have a Standard-legal deck of exactly 45 cards, with no sideboard allowed. Each player then takes a Standard-legal booster (not all players have to use the same set), opens it, and shuffles all 15 cards from the booster into their deck (including land), creating a Standard-legal 60-card deck. Players then play a match using this deck. Each booster is used for one match, and a new booster is required for each new match afterwards.
Limited-Constructed is usually played with Standard-legal cards (because of the ease of obtaining boosters) but can also be played in modern.
All cards banned in a normal constructed format are also banned in its Limited-Constructed counterpart. Hence, the Modern banned list also applies to modern Limited-Constructed play.
If, however, a card is opened in a booster that is banned in a format, it may still be played.
The following cards are banned from standard Limited-Constructed play:
There are no cards banned in modern Limited-Constructed play.